
Motivational Monday!!

Happy Monday Friends!!! I am jumping off to a slow start this afternoon with getting my blog post up!! it's been a busy morning! we had a healthy breakfast, i ran to the gym (check out my snap chat for the next 24 hours to see my quick gym sesh! sarahegg28) grabbed a smoothie and have been playing non stop with my girls. monday's always feel like a fresh start to me, whether i have been completely slacking on my goals or want to push harder to achieve new ones!! I always start on a monday!

Even though monday is half way over, i wanted to encourage all of you to keep going and to push yourself to achieve greatness! start today, start now!!! put down that cookie if you need to.  if you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop chasing it! don't let those excuses hold you back!!

i found this quote yesterday while i was searching pinterest for motivational quotes to send my SIL and absolutely loved it!! everyone who has succeeded in their lives fell, and fell again before they got to where they are today. do you know how many times i have tried and failed? quite a few.  that doesn't mean that you give up on your dreams.  keep going.  you are strong. and you deserve to make your dreams reality!

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