
My Floppy Hat

I probably should find another pair of jeans that i love just as much as these that i can alternate between during the week!! (insert laughing/crying emoji) speaking of laughing until you cry!! random story...

this past sunday, while sitting in sacrament meeting, i look over at Olive who is waving to some friends a few benches back. then she begins to give them a sassy smirk and then all of a sudden she is trying so hard to raise her eyebrows up and down at them. i lost it, i couldn't stop laughing. and then i was crying i was laughing so hard!! love when our little people make us laugh!!

back to the post, when i first bought this hat last fall dave told me he hated it and that it looks like a grandma hat. every time i wear it, he tells me to take it off because i look like an old lady!!! hahaha so now this is my floppy grandma hat. and i love it. i wear hats basically 4 out of 7 days a week!

this one is from target last year, but i know you can find them basically anywhere. here are a few here, here and here!! what are your plans for thanksgiving?! can't believe it is tomorrow!! happy wednesday friends!! ;)

v neck
flannel, similar here
hat, similar here

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