
Getting To The Gym

obviously one of the most important factors of getting the results you want is getting into a routine!! routine is so important in our house, in all aspects! making sure that you-time fits into your daily routine regardless of what is going on can help insure that you get yourself to the gym!

i have learned over the last couple of years that classes are my thing.  knowing that i have to be somewhere at a certain time in order to get my work out in for the day motivates me even more! it's so nice having that instructor or personal trainer there to push you when your mind tells you to give up! having someone counting on you to be there is motivation in itself! it's consistent and it becomes a routine for me!

however, i do also have a gym membership.  i love having a membership because it's there for me when i miss my class.  BUT! just having the membership isn't enough motivation to get there for me! with two little ones, a hubby and a house to run- early mornings are the easiest for me. getting my work out done by 6:30-7:00 in the morning makes me feel so accomplished and i love that feeling. but i am NOT a morning person.  my girls are terrible sleepers, so waking up at 5:00 am to go to the gym is difficult for me. usually, i do really well for a week and then get off track for a month or two. i lose the consistency. then i lose the motivation. and then i get disappointed that i'm not reaching my goals!

then i tell myself multiple times a day, that i want a bangin' bod & that i need to sacrifice in order to get it!! find a buddy that will keep you on track! my sister sends me fitness and health inspirational quotes daily which help me stay motivated!! 

right now i am going to a trainer, we are focusing on weight training. which i have never really done before so i am seriously loving it!!! she does it in the basement of her home, my girls are able to come and play while i get my work out in!! it's monday through thursday at 10:00 am every week. consistent. routine. my jam!!  happy wednesday, lets kick some booty the rest of the week!! (insert punching emoji)

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