
Trying Something New

welllll hellllllo. welcome to my other blog, i say other because i have had a personal blog that evolved into family blog over the last six years.  i have always wanted my blog to explode but never could figure out how or why it wouldn't. i am a very private person as far as my kids go... i don't really like the idea of the whole world seeing my babes. that's why i decided to create a new blog, so that i can post about all things without exposing my littles to the world too much!

if you want to know a little bit about me, i am twenty five years old. married to my lover for four years. and we have two perfect little humans that i adore so much!! i am very passionate about my life and everyone, and everything in it. fitness, fashion and beauty are some of the things i love most. (besides my hubby and girls!) i am a dancer, or i should say, was. i started dancing around the age of eight years old until i got married at twenty one. from your regular dance classes, to cheerleading in school, to competition teams. once i graduated from high school, i started teaching dance at the studio i grew up dancing at. when i finally quit, i started getting more into fitness. exercising at home but never got a gym pass. after i had my first daughter, i got a gym pass and started going to a class called ballet blast, it's compared to a barre class. i was super fit and super in shape and thats when i learned that i have a huge passion for fitness. it is a huge stress reliever for me! olive was 12 months old when we found out i was pregnant with our second. i gained quite a bit more weight and i have yet to reach my pre-pregnancy weight.  i am almost 14 months post partum and i am determined to get in the best shape possible.

with that being said, i decided to try something new and i have completed two days with this trainer that i will be seeing four days a week. mainly weight lifting which is way outside my comfort zone. i am excited about reaching my goals and am loving this new way of exercise. i can barely move, but i am loving it!!

i have had a really hard time staying motivated and focused as far as eating healthy and keeping a constant work out routine this last year, i blame the breast feeding! (insert punching emoji) i am counting on this blog to keep me on track! and you can help too!!

thank you for reading, and i hope you come back soon!!

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