
dying easter eggs

do you just die over her little eyebrows?? margo is known for her cheeks and her furrowed eyebrows so i loooooovvvveee that we got the brows in a picture!!

easter kind of crept up on me this year, and although i didn't wait until the day before to snag all the easter things i did wait longer than planned. but i got some good stuff!! i'm not a fan of loading my girls easter baskets with sugar, so this year i went a different route and i think they will be happy! it's hard teaching your littles why we celebrate easter when all they think about is what is in their basket! but i am hoping our girls will grasp on to something in their little minds this year.

growing up, dying eggs was an easter tradition and always something i looked forward to! and really, it can be so fun and you can get creative. but if i'm being honest-- i wasn't planning on doing it with my girls this year! unfortunately, one of my girls found an easter egg coloring kit i had hidden from last year, and then found myself making a promise i knew i couldn't break! i was probably a little over board crazy, but knowing my girls there would have been a gigantic mess if it wasn't under control! we still had fun, and the girls LOVED watching the eggs and checking on them every two seconds to see if we could take them out yet! we let them dry and then they added some fun stickers to their eggs.

i couldn't get over the fact that Scotti legitimately thought there was chocolate inside her hard boiled eggs. once her stickers were on, she instantly started cracking and pealing it so she could get to the good stuff. poor girl was really disappointed  when all she found was an egg. i loved that when olive finished, her eggs became her kids and wouldn't stop calling them her "sweethearts and sons!" and the idea of eating them later was traumatizing!

i love these little traditions with our girls, and i love watching them have fun and creating memories together! and i'm excited to have margo with us this easter!! i'm curious what kinds of easter traditions you have with your kids!?

favorite baby items

three babies later and i think i have a decent list of baby products that i love. there are so many amazing new products that i didn't haave with my first two babies!!  i don't think there will be any more eggett babies so the least i can do is share all my favorites with you!! so many amazing items came out after my second baby wasn't such a baby anymore, and i knew i needed to try them out with our next one! so lucky for margo! i don't even know where to begin!!

my number one, all time favorite baby item that i wish had been around with olive and scotti is definitely the dock a tot!! i had my eye on this item my entire pregnancy, i wanted to try it out so badly but yet-- did i really want to spend the money on it? and i'm here to tell you, YES YOU DO WANT TO SPEND THE MONEY!! haha! but for reals. when margo was about two weeks old, i was tired and she wasn't sleeping well, so i decided-- what the heck! and purchased the dock a tot just to see if it was a worth all the hype! she sleeps so freaking well all snuggled up in her dock a tot to this day! i couldn't live without it! can you tell i love it?

swaddle blankets are a must, especially when your babe is a tiny newborn! after three babies i'm here to tell you little unicorn swaddles are my all time favorite! my first two babies were not fans of being swaddled, but margo on the other hand is a different story. she loves being swaddled up TIGHT. even at 7 months old!

another baby favorite is the mama roo, however it didn't last long in our house. maybe a month or two. it's convenient for tiny napping newborns, and when mom is desperate for a shower! it's quiet and looks pretty! we loved it, until margo didn't love it! ha

the pujbaby was by far my favorite bath tub ESPECIALLY during those first few months! they are perfect, keep the baby snug and it's an easy grab and use and then quickly put it away! i love that it fits perfectly into my bathroom sink and doesn't take up much room in my bathroom storage! this is our tub. 

obviously a pump is a necessity when you are breastfeeding!! a friend recommended this manual pump that you suction to the breast that your baby is NOT feeding on and it catches all the milk from the let down! helps stock up your supply and saves all the milk that would other wise go to waste!!

baby wearing is big right now, and i tried a couple wraps with my first two babies and was not that big a fan! in my opinion it takes too much time getting the baby and wrap situated! and then during my third pregnancy i discovered Wild Bird, ring slings. they are life changing! and i knew with baby number three i was going to need something to help me multitask! i have loved my wild bird sling! it is easy to use and margo loves it.

last but not least (for now!) another one of my favorite baby items this go around was the honey babe knotted gowns. seriously. so freaking soft. and SO perfect for those first few weeks..... months when baby is pooping every five minutes it feels like! no snapping and unsnapping jammies. plus these honey babe knotted gowns are as soft as your new baby's bum!!

something i feel would be worth the money that we never ended up purchasing is the owlet heart rate monitor!! sometimes i still think about getting it! it would be amazing to have during those first few weeks when you are waking up every ten minutes just to check on baby!!

our favorite story books

when i was a first time mom i made it a priority to read to my baby every single day and right before bed! three kids later i'm not so great at it, but we do still love a good story book! it's actually one of my favorite things to do with my girls! sometimes its peaceful and quiet as they sit and listen and other times it's complete madness!! we have quite the collection going! from books given as gifts at christmas and birthdays to books we've ordered from book fair at preschool... my all time favorite are the usborne books. their quality is a TEN and their stories are so much fun! i can't help myself whenever book fair comes along at preschool! seriously, they're amazing!!

i've complied a list of some of our favorites, maybe you will love them too!!

THAT'S NOT MY UNICORN-- one of my girls ALL TIME fav!!
LOOK INSIDE YOUR BODY -- interestingly enough, this is one of my girls top five!
and on our wish list:

ice cream date

our favorite little ice cream shop is baked bear, they have over a dozen locations and we are lucky enough to have one less than two minutes from our house. i take my girls for a little mommy daughter date every now and then and they think i'm the coolest mom ever!! they love it, and i love that they love it!! its so fun to watch their eyes light up, watch them run around and just enjoying life!! it makes me happy!!

baked bear's gourmet ice cream sandwiches are heavenly!! dave is friends with the owner of the station park location and has done some work for them as well! if you're ever in farmington and stop by baked bear notice the giant photo you can say, " hey i know who printed that!!" haha my personal favorite is the bear batter with a brownie. but their red velvet cookies are to die for as well!!! mmmmm. maybe we will just run right over for another ice cream date!! ;)

outfit details: cardigan | button up top | leggings | shoes-- forever young