^^ um isn't she the cutest little thing???? ^^
joggers, lululemon-- similar here, here + here
v-neck -- target
flannel , american eagle -- similar here
hat -- lululemon
apple watch
necklace -- madebymary
shoes -- forever young, similar here
when i became a mom, i noticed that all of sudden i had very little confidence in my style. i never liked anything that i put on. i felt like i looked ridiculous in my own clothes. i always thought, "mom's don't wear this kind of thing" and in some situations maybe i was right but in most i was just lacking that strong confidence and self esteem that i so desperately need, not only for myself but so my girls see that i am strong and happy in my own body!
over the last three and a half years, i have donated bags and bags of my clothes. getting rid of pieces that i didn't feel comfortable in, things that no longer fit, or clothes that aren't modest. and so now, as you can imagine i am left with sooo many baggy tshirts, sweats, a couple pair of jeans + the other 50% of my closet is lulu lemon. and although i would love to live in lulu the rest of my life sometimes i just want to wear something other than work out attire!
i feel like i am finding my style again, what i love and what i feel confident in. it has been hard i'm not going to lie. but i need to get out of my bubble that i have created. no more sweats and a tshirt, no more leggings and my husbands baggy shirt.
sometimes getting dressed and ready for the day doesn't happen as a mom. but isn't it amazing how much better you feel over all if you simply change out of your sweats and put something decent on? maybe a little bit of make up and brush through your hair??
one of my go to pants that are so soft and comfortable are these joggers from lulu lemon. the material is unreal, i love the fit and they are comfortable without looking like you just rolled out of bed! i usually pair it with a v-neck and some converse and i'm ready to go!
what are your favorite go to looks?? how did you find your mom style?
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